Thinking Inside The Gift Box
Posted on February 06 2018

We probably all want to give gifts that we will be remembered for, but it is not always easy. A gift needs to be something that touches the emotions somehow. It could be something that amuses, has beauty, is indulgent or has that special extra factor. One way to achieve this is by choosing a selection of items, normally a minimum of three, based around a theme. This has, of course, to be worked around a budget according to the relationship and occasion.
Whether you are buying a birthday or Christmas present if the recipient has a passion for something, such as a sport, fitness, music, wine, cooking, fashion, art, technology, gardening, animals or whatever, this can give you a good starting point. However just because someone enjoys fishing, for example, doesn’t mean you have to buy them something obvious like fishing tackle or a book on fishing – the chances are that they have the ones they need and what you choose may be superfluous to requirements, or just the wrong thing! Try to think creatively and consider things such as what they would wear to go fishing (practical, yet comfortable clothing for a variety of weathers, such as a lightweight cashmere slipover, hat, gloves or a scarf); how they get rid of that fishy smell from their hands once they’ve finished for the day, (some lovely individual hand wipes, an
aromatherapy soap or a rich hand cream etc.); or maybe a fish based recipe book for times when their catch didn’t get away! You could buy a selection of these and create a wonderful themed gift. Make sure you display them nicely, and this is easiest to do using a lovely gift box.
Should you find yourself needing to buy a gift for a particularly rich, stylish or arty person you may feel a bit daunted as their style and taste may be quite different to yours. Selecting things outside of our comfort zone can be difficult unless we are told exactly what to buy! Look for artisan and craft gifts which are unusual but perhaps not too "out there"! Examples include artisan soaps and toiletries, sea salts and peppers, vinegar and oils, candles made with essential oils, decadent and rich chocolates, unusual confectionery, artisan alcohols like gin, vodka, whisky, beer, teas and coffees, plants such as succulents...
Maybe you’re looking for a get well gift for someone very special when flowers just aren’t enough, and everyone else has given them those. Choices to assist in relaxation and recuperation may include cashmere socks or slippers, a cashmere poncho to feel cossetted in, scented candles, body lotion, aroma play dough, bath oil or luxurious soaps, and something to make them smile like a book of jokes or a DVD by their favourite comedian or a fun film.
A celebratory gift for passing exams or similar could include the obvious Champagne or Belgian chocolates (for immediate celebration!) and perhaps something else as a longer lasting reminder. Ideas can be graded according to budget by using Cava as a cheaper alternative to Champagne, and Belgian chocolates can be replaced with a more modest but delicious treat, like some freshly made fudge. A university graduation present could include a photo frame as there will doubtless be many photos taken! Other ideas include a special champagne glass or beer mug, a piece of jewellery or a wallet (for all the money they will be earning!) Again be guided by what you know about the recipient.
A wedding anniversary gift is usually bought for big anniversaries like silver, gold, diamond etc.. The clue has already been given to you here but it doesn't mean you have to spend a shed load of money on actual silver, gold or diamonds - there are many ways to make reference without breaking the bank. Look for silver or gold coloured items. There are many diamond look alike stones decorating products like photo frames and trinket boxes.
Buying presents for children you do not know too well can be tricky, especially on a low budget. Much also depends on the age of the child as a two year old's needs and likes will not be the same as a child of six. If you need a present for a child having a birthday party you are more than likely to already have a child of a similar age so will know the types of "in things" that are popular, but you will probably not know what they already have. If you don't know the Mum or Dad so are just going along with guess work then trying to find something suitable can be hard. The key thing is to find something generic if you don't know enough to buy
something specific. What do all children of that age need and use regularly? Hopefully they all wash, read, write, draw, wear socks, have a sense of humour, enjoy chocolate and so on. From these ideas you could select a range of inexpensive but nice items to make up your budget. So you could choose from a pencil with funny eraser, amusing pencil sharpener, crayons, paper, paints, notebook, sticky notes, reading book, small bubble bath, sponge, small item of chocolate, a current trending patterned pair of socks.
Whatever you select for your gift box, make sure it shows you have thought about your choices. Some people say it is the thought that counts - and it certainly starts with the thought but if your thoughts and expense are going to be worth anything then the gift needs to be fully appreciated